FPC Annual Report

This is the 2023 Annual Report for the First Presbyterian Church of Jackson, Mississippi. This year’s report has two emphases:

  1. to clarify the way gifts to the church are put to use
  2. to illustrate the immense value of these gifts

How Gifts Are Put to Use

First, this report aims to clarify how money given to our church is utilized. Two separate funds with two separate priorities are used at FPC to fulfill our mission statement:

First Presbyterian Church of Jackson exists to glorify God by making disciples in our neighborhood, our communities, and the world.

Ministry Expenses

Our normal tithes and offerings go toward meeting FPC’s ministry expenses, or what has in the past been termed the church’s “budget.” These ministry expenses include everything you see around you at First Presbyterian Church — not only our facilities and ministry staff, but all of our core ministry: the regular preaching and teaching of God’s Word and regular worship; our Midweek programming; the many local missions that share our priorities and receive our support (Mission First; Mustard Seed; Jackson Leadership Foundation; Gateway Rescue; Center for Pregnancy Choices); support for FPDS and Twin Lakes; the Mercy Fund, MOMS Bible Study, our Students and Families Department, and so many other ministry priorities all are funded by your regular tithes, offerings, and gifts to FPC.


Through designated giving to Missions (in other words, checks that are made out to FPC Missions or online gifts with “Missions” as the selected fund) FPC accomplishes its mission to “make disciples around the world” by supporting approximately 60 global missionaries; 15 campus ministries; and 15 church planters.

The Value of These Gifts

Second, this report illustrates the connection between our giving and the ministry value gained. This year we’ve included highlights of a number of ministries within FPC. We could fill a much larger book with all the stories of ministry that happen in this building each day—most importantly through the personal ministry of each of our congregants. When you give to First Presbyterian Church, every dollar you give is in support of ministries like the ones highlighted here.
